Oklah for now.... please pray for me, to ease my delivery process, and hope everything will be happen smoothly and safely, Amin. Bye....
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Oklah for now.... please pray for me, to ease my delivery process, and hope everything will be happen smoothly and safely, Amin. Bye....
Friday, April 20, 2007
It has been long time I did not visit my blog. As usual pretty busy with my labworks, catching up with my studies, busy with children and also faced few happenings that had happened in March.
1. Early of March, on 2nd March, my second son, Ariff Iskandar celebrated his 3 years old birthday. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGAH SAYANG....." He requested to have mickey mouse cake, so as you all can see here, though not so clear, the photo of the cake and also few photos of the day.
Angah looked at the cake. What he's thinking, I'm not sure but I think he feel happy as his wish was fulfilled.
Ibu posed with the kids.....it's really hard to get them posed steadily like this....maybe because this time their Ayah took the photos..... Looking at this photo, sometimes couldn't believe at this age I already have 3 children and another one soon ......Syukur Alhamdulillah, at least I have the opportunities to have sons and daughter of my own, as the proved of our loves. Pray that my family will be happy together forever....dunia dan akhirat, Amin.
2. On 27th March, my dearest daughter Alisa Izmira celebrated her 1 year old birthday. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHA CHA CAYANG...." Look how excited she is, just like Along, she loves the cake very much. This time I bought lychee cake for her cause my kids are crazy at lychee.
See how happy Cha Cha to get her cake herself with the spoon...... and posed wearing the blouse given by Aunt Lat Lat. Thanks to my buddies Mai and Niza for the presents. You guys need to spend a lot as my kids are 3.....hee....
Ayah posed with his beloved kids.....
Along ate the cake with high satisfaction, while Angah smiled as usual.....And the Ibu taking the photos lah....hee....
3. On 29th March 2007, we lost our beloved Abah and Grandfather, Tuan Hj. Mohd Jamsari..... Al-Fatihah, dan moga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 beriman, Amin. We will miss you a lot, thank you very much for your kindness, loves and guidances.
So, that's the summary for events in March which I could write it in here. Hope to see you guys later. Hope you enjoy the story.....Bye......
Friday, February 23, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007

Assalamualaikum semua,
Dah sekian lama menyepi diri, bukan kerana masih tension, tapi tak tau lah, sejak upgrade to Beta blogger nie, tak boleh nak access dari my laptop in the office. So, tak berbloglah I....then suddenly, gatal2 tangan dah muncul semula blog ku yg sunyi ini.
Now, dah masuk tahun baru 2007 dan juga hari nie dah 10 Muharam 1428H. Banyak sgt benda yg dah berlaku, so, tak sure nak catch up yg mana dulu. Anyway, I hope this is the starting to initiate my blog, cause thru this blog, sometimes I can release the bad feelings etc.
Among happenings in this January,
- My Hubby's birthday....so, to you darling, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, may Allah always bless you and may success be yours in whatever you do.
- Our 6th wedding anniversary, I hope our family will be more happy and diberkati Allah selalu. Dan moga kami kekal hingga ke akhir hayat
- I've started back my projek yg dah terbengkalai itu, of course all about Electron microscopy
- Must start back also my writting for the thesis.
Oklah, utk mencuci mata, inilah gambar permata2 hatiku yg dah
semakin besar dan bertambah nakalnya....
Till we meet again, bye....