Assalamualaikum semua,
Dah sekian lama menyepi diri, bukan kerana masih tension, tapi tak tau lah, sejak upgrade to Beta blogger nie, tak boleh nak access dari my laptop in the office. So, tak berbloglah I....then suddenly, gatal2 tangan dah muncul semula blog ku yg sunyi ini.
Now, dah masuk tahun baru 2007 dan juga hari nie dah 10 Muharam 1428H. Banyak sgt benda yg dah berlaku, so, tak sure nak catch up yg mana dulu. Anyway, I hope this is the starting to initiate my blog, cause thru this blog, sometimes I can release the bad feelings etc.
Among happenings in this January,
- My Hubby's birthday....so, to you darling, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, may Allah always bless you and may success be yours in whatever you do.
- Our 6th wedding anniversary, I hope our family will be more happy and diberkati Allah selalu. Dan moga kami kekal hingga ke akhir hayat
- I've started back my projek yg dah terbengkalai itu, of course all about Electron microscopy
- Must start back also my writting for the thesis.
Oklah, utk mencuci mata, inilah gambar permata2 hatiku yg dah
semakin besar dan bertambah nakalnya....
Till we meet again, bye....