Salam semua,
Oktober thn ni mmg sgt bz for me..... di samping menyambung raya, ada satu lagi ujian yg harus ku tempuh sblm blh bergelar 'Dr2'....Viva voce....
As I've promised to few of my buddies, so here is the story and maybe few tips for you.
So, as expected, GSO called me on 2nd Oct informing my viva will be on 14th Oct. 09, 2.00pm....Fuh, I can feel my adrenaline started to rise....and the heart is pumping nearly burst I guess.... And within that 2 weeks, mulalah jadi mcm org tgh asyik masyuk bercinta....makan x kenyang, tido x lena....
So, I started to make some revisions, and try to read back my thesis, tried to remember and prepare the answer of each important and significants findings I've encountered. I must also make sure I knew the answers especially to the basic2 qtns...And me and Sv also tried to 'spot' few qtns that the examiner might ask. Going thru the most important and related journals....
Not forgetting, I also need to prepare the slides presentation...Thanks God, I actually had prepared it few months back cause I've presented that during my Postgrad seminar where I should present my progress. So, all I need to do is to update, make some editting and rehearse...
The time given is 20 minutes, and I've timed mine is about 25 minutes for 59 slides....
14th Oct. 09.....
It's the day..... the last, I'm ready for it.....
1.40pm: I've arrived at the GSO, and the viva room still closed. So, just waiting till the y open it up, and I set my presentations. The wise Mr Chairman was the 1st to arrive, and he made my feels a bit relax....then my Sv....
2.25pm: all the examiners arrived, and they need to discuss for a while....
2.35pm: I've started my presentation, and I've finished it at 3pm...just as I expected. Alhamdulillah, walaupun dgn sdkt gugup....
3pm: Q&A starts with the examiner, strating with this Prof. I'm so nervous at this time as I saw he marked almost the whole of my thesis....habislah aku hari ni (bisik dlm hati).... rupa2nya, yg dia marked tu just the minor ones e.g grammar mistakes....
Only few qtns he asked to clarify the statements....and then he passed to the next examiner.... rupa2nya both of them have the same opinions, so it cut short the exam process lah...Alhamdulillah kataku....
So, after answer few qtns, take notes of their comments, and they have satisfied, they asked me to wait outside since they had to make the decision....I went out with my Sv, and glad that I made my Sv happy, after he waited so long for me to accomplish this....
4pm: They invited us back in, and CONGRATULATIONS DR INTAN..... you've passed your PhD with Minor corrections.....waktu tu rasa airmata ni dah bergenang, sib baik blh tahan.... Alhamdulillah x putus2 dari mulutku ini.....and of course I thanked them for it...
Hehe, siap sempat asked them to pose in the viva room..... so these are the handsome yet kind and judicious people .....

Well, itulah citernya, to those adik2 yg msh berjuang, my sincere tips are:
1. Usaha bersungguh2, make preparations, read up
2. Berdoa, bykkan solat hajat, minta dipermudahkan, Insyaallah semuanya ok.
3. Tawakal.
Don't worry too much, cause it's in your hands, and you are the best person and know every single thing about your, prove it!
09 Oct. 09 - Aidiel' 7th Birthday
18 Oct 09- Beraya and baraan ngan Geng2 SEMESTI...
Mmg best baraan kami, dari Sg Buloh sampailah ke Bkt Mahkota, dari kul 10.30am till 11.00 pm... Gmbr lain blh tgk kat my FB...malas dah nk upload...
Begitulah kisah Oktober ku.....cerita ni bukan utk menunjuk atau membangga diri, hanya utk kenangan dan panduan utk anak2ku dan utk sahabat handai yg akan melalui proses yg sama....
Di kesempatan ini ingin sekali ku panjat kesyukuran atas kurniaan Nya, dan juga terima kasih pada semua Sv2 ku yg byk membantu dlm study ku ini tak lupa pada staf2 yg byk membantu esp my buddy Mai, En Raziman n En Ariff dan staf di EM lab, IBS....moga Allah membalas jasamu jua...last but not least, to all my family (esp to hubby, Moms and my 4AIs yg byk sacrificed for me) and friends....