Salam Semua....
Saja jer nak share gambar nie since ramai yg berkenan....Pada yg tak kenal lagi, inilah buah hati saya n hubby....nampaknya dah meriah family kami, iyelah, melayan keletah dan kerenah kupu-kupu dari syurga ni memang menakjubkan. Truly, they're my ANGELS....
Ada juga yg bertanya, how I can cope with them and at the same time finishing up my study? I think it's all about the time management and sacrifices. Deep inside my heart, want to have both family and career in balance, but I know it's quite impossible. So, sometimes I'll focus more on my work, especially during weekdays, and weekends I must spend with them (thhe..hee..even the office hrs are only from 8-5) So, night time usually I spend to teach them Muqaddam or Iqra' after Maghrib, watching tv and try to at least read them 2 stories just before they went for sleep. itu ler my routine.
Another FAQ to me is that dah tutup buku ke atau ada lagi? Huisshhh...mulut org nikan, bukan kita boleh tutup cam mulut tempayan bolehlah gak ditutup ngan paper lama ke kan....so, jawapannya.....Saya hanya merancang Allah yg menentukan......kwang3x.
Hee..hee...itu lah celoteh kali ni. Boring sebenarnya nih....dah kekeringan idea nak menulis thesis. Till then....happy weekends guys....
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