Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Projek Pizza

Salam semua,

Dah lama dah nak try buat pizza sendiri, almaklumlah, bila rakyat dlm rumah dah ramai, dan mereka dah ada 'improved tastebuds'..... So, after doing some research on recipes I mean, I decided to make a "Sukahati Pizza"...hahaha...maknanya, cincai je...tp thanks a lot to Kak Aishah for giving me some tips, and for ordering the base for my pizza. (I don't want to take the risk to make my own dough since I don't hv a breadmaker yet n as usual nk cepatkan?)

So, last Friday (I took 1 off day to settle few things, n Hubby's not feeling well)for that day, I made Chicken n Mushroom pizza, and something like Pepperoni tp I used sausages sliced je...
ni lah gambarnya....
Ni masak toppingnya....
Minced chicken meat + mushroom

Campak2 the Mozzarella, n saja nk bg kuning sikit I mix with Cheddar cheese....
Ni dah siap waiting for the oven....

Close up before cook....
And taraa.......lupa plk nak amik gmbr piece of the pizza yg sdg ditarik....hehe

So, basically, ok lah rasanya, since my Son Aidiel love it, he finished 1 whole pizza himself....so I made extra, keep 'em frozen, so Aidiel can bring as his lunchbox to school....

Not only that, Praise to Almighty, actually I lost my Hp that Friday, but luckily someone found it and I got it back. Tak sangka masih ada insan jujur dlm dunia ni...To Ain from JPM Putrajaya, tqvm for your kindness, Allah yg dpt membalasnya.... so, Ain dpt merasa pizza that I've made as buahtangan...and that night she sms me told me that I can bukak kedai pizza.....hahaha....

So, kids, Mommy so proud that my mission is accomplished....hope you enjoyed the pizza....

1 comment:

Hafandi Ahmad said...

wow!!!..sedap nya!...heheheh